2 berenjenas grandes.
250 gr de carne molida
1 taza de queso mozarella rallado.
1/2 pimiento
1/2 cebolla
1 huevo
4 cds. de aceite de oliva
1 cda. de ajo picado.
1 cdta. de Orégano italiano.
1/2 taza de salsa de tomate.
Modo de Preparación
Precalentar el horno a 350 grados. Cortar las berenjenas en 2 a lo largo. Hacer unos cortes en la pulpa de la berenjena para ayudar a cocinar (será más fácil para quitar la pulpa más tarde). Colocar en una bandeja de horno y hornear durante media hora. Aparte preparar el relleno de las berenjenas (después de media hora en el horno, retirar las berenjenas y dejar enfriar).
En una sartén grande, saltear la cebolla picada, el pimiento y el ajo en una cda. de aceite de oliva, unos 10 minutos. Añadir la carne molida, mezclar bien con el sofrito de vegetales, y cocinar otros 10 minutos. Poner a un lado el relleno para que se enfríe. En ese momento, la berenjena debe estar fuera del horno y fría lo suficiente como para eliminar la mayor parte de la pulpa de cada mitad de berenjena. Dejar cerca de 1 / 2 cm de espesor.
En un bol grande mezclar la pulpa de la berenjena, y la mezclar con la carne, junto con la salsa de tomate, el huevo y la mitad del queso. Salpimientar al gusto, agregar una cucharadita de orégano. Rellenar cada mitad de las berenjenas con la mezcla ya fria, y cubrir con el resto del queso. Colocar las berenjenas ya rellenas de nuevo al horno y hornear a 350 grados durante 30-45 minutos.
2 large eggplants
1/2 lb. of ground meat
1 cup shredded mozzarella cheese.
1/2 bell pepper
1/2 onion
1 egg
4 tbsp. of olive oil
1 tbsp. of chopped garlic.
1 tsp. Italian oregano.
1/2 cup tomato sauce.
Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Slice eggplants length-wise and make a few cuts into white flesh of eggplant to help it cook through (it will also make it easier to remove pulp later). Place on a oven sheet and bake for half an hour (after half an hour in the oven, remove eggplants and set aside to cool).
In a large pan, saute chopped onion, bell pepper and garlic in a tbsp. of olive oil until soft, about 10 minutes. Add ground meat, mix well with veggies, and cook until done about another 10 minutes. Set aside stuffing to cool. By this time, eggplant should be out of the oven and cooled down enough to remove most of the pulp from each eggplant. Leave about 1/4 of an inch
In a large bowl mix the eggplant pulp, cooked meat, along with tomato sauce, egg, and half the cheese. Salt and pepper to taste and add a tsp. of oregano. Fill each eggplant with stuffing, and top with the rest of the cheese. Return stuffed eggplants to the oven and bake at 350 degrees for 30 - 45 minutes.
1/2 lb. of ground meat
1 cup shredded mozzarella cheese.
1/2 bell pepper
1/2 onion
1 egg
4 tbsp. of olive oil
1 tbsp. of chopped garlic.
1 tsp. Italian oregano.
1/2 cup tomato sauce.
Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Slice eggplants length-wise and make a few cuts into white flesh of eggplant to help it cook through (it will also make it easier to remove pulp later). Place on a oven sheet and bake for half an hour (after half an hour in the oven, remove eggplants and set aside to cool).
In a large pan, saute chopped onion, bell pepper and garlic in a tbsp. of olive oil until soft, about 10 minutes. Add ground meat, mix well with veggies, and cook until done about another 10 minutes. Set aside stuffing to cool. By this time, eggplant should be out of the oven and cooled down enough to remove most of the pulp from each eggplant. Leave about 1/4 of an inch
In a large bowl mix the eggplant pulp, cooked meat, along with tomato sauce, egg, and half the cheese. Salt and pepper to taste and add a tsp. of oregano. Fill each eggplant with stuffing, and top with the rest of the cheese. Return stuffed eggplants to the oven and bake at 350 degrees for 30 - 45 minutes.
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