2.5 Kg berenjenas
Zumo de 3 Limones
2 Cabezas de ajo
Aceite Girasol
2 tazas de vinagre
Pele las berenjenas y cortelas en lajitas delgadas, coloquelas en un bol y echele bastante sal y el zumo de limón para deshidratarlas. Dejelas reposar por 3 o 4 horas (yo prefiero toda la noche). Luego poner una olla con 6 tazas de agua y el vinagre, deje hervir el agua y agrege la berenjena por 5 min. Exprima las berenjenas bien para sacar el liquido, coloquelas en un colador, cuando esten frías pongalas sobre una toalla de cocina seca por 1 o 2 días para dejar secar bien la berenjena. Envasar (frasco de vidrio) con el aceite, el ajo picadito y la hierbabuena picadita, tapar y conservar en la nevera. Sirva con galletas o pan picado (use una cuchara de madera para servir)
Buen Provecho!!!!
6 lb eggplant
3 Lemon (juice)
2 Heads of garlic
Sunflower oil
2 cups vinegar
Peel the eggplants and cut into thin slices, place in a bowl and sprinkle with enough salt and lemon juice to dehydrate. Let stand for 3 or 4 hours (I prefer overnight). Then put a pot with 6 cups of water and the vinegar, boil it and add the eggplant for about 5 min. Squeeze the eggplant well to remove the liquid. When they are cold, place them on a dry kitchen towel for 1 or 2 days to get them dry. Packaging on a glass bottle with oil, minced garlic and chopped peppermint, cover and store in the refrigerator. Serve with crackers or bread (serve with a wooden spoon)
2 Heads of garlic
Sunflower oil
2 cups vinegar
Peel the eggplants and cut into thin slices, place in a bowl and sprinkle with enough salt and lemon juice to dehydrate. Let stand for 3 or 4 hours (I prefer overnight). Then put a pot with 6 cups of water and the vinegar, boil it and add the eggplant for about 5 min. Squeeze the eggplant well to remove the liquid. When they are cold, place them on a dry kitchen towel for 1 or 2 days to get them dry. Packaging on a glass bottle with oil, minced garlic and chopped peppermint, cover and store in the refrigerator. Serve with crackers or bread (serve with a wooden spoon)
Secando La berenjena / Dry eggplant
Muñe muchas gracias me quedaron divinas :-)